SEE-ICE: A model for navigating sustainable development

A conceptual model for connecting primary drivers and secondary outcomes of sustainability to the United Nations SDGs.

The cornerstone of my major research project toward my Master of Arts – Learning And Technology was the development of a model for sustainable development that connects the three primary pillars of sustainability – Social, Environmental, and Economic systems – with secondary outcomes of Viable Innovation, Livable Communities, and Equitable Opportunities.

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Abasi Guitars: Design, execution + renderings

Working with an artist to fulfill his vision of a signature model guitar yielded outstanding results.

In 2014, a conversation with guitarist Tosin Abasi turned to an idea he had for his own signature guitar. Upon showing me a sketch of a design he had conceived, I offered to help him draw up his original design to help pull the development process along.

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BlackBerry theme design

Design and typography for low-resolution screens presents unique design challenges. This self-directed project was a way to explore the use of iconography and colour in interface design.

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